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Jane Taylor


ACCA is launching the first early careers virtual exhibition, “Careers in Business” on Wednesday 22 March, 8am – 8pm sponsored by Sage. Content available on demand: 23rd March – 21st April Bringing pupils aged 13 to 18 along with their parents, guardians, and teachers together with employers and careers experts to share knowledge on all areas...
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An event for young people in Year 9 or above, with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities who live in York, Leeds and North Yorkshire will be held on 24 April 2023 from 10.00am-2.30pm at Askham Bryan College. Visitors will be able to explore various post-16 options through a variety of workshops and by talking to employers, advisers and providers. This...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh It’s been another good week at school and great to see everyone celebrating World Book Week. Some of our students were lucky enough to enjoy a livestream on World Book Day yesterday, with author Michael Morpugo, which was amazing. Thanks to everyone in Year 7 and 8 who took part...
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Our Spring Concert takes place next week on Tuesday 14 March at 7.00pm in the Main Hall. Featuring performances and dances from Millthorpe’s finest, it promises to be a great evening. Admission is free, although donations are welcome. These can be made on the evening in cash or on ParentPay. We look forward to seeing you there!
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Following on from his success in the previous round of cross country, Leo Forsdyke in Year 7 has now been selected to represent North Yorkshire in the English Schools Cross Country finals in Leicestershire later this month. We wish him all the very best!
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh I hope you all had a lovely half-term break. We’ve had a great week back at school and it’s definitely starting to feel like spring has sprung! It was lovely to chat to some of our students at lunchtime today and see them enjoying the improved dining areas. The new...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh It certainly feels like spring is in the air as we head into the February half-term break. Hopefully we’ll have some more lovely sunshine next week! This half-term has been incredibly busy and I fully appreciate that we have made a lot of changes, some of which have had to happen very...
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Recent changes  The last few months have seen many changes in the school and while most of them in isolation are not hugely significant, taken together it may perhaps seem a little bewildering to some of our students and their families. Because many things have happened rather quickly, it hasn’t always been possible to spend...
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Earlier this week, all our Year 10 students had a mock interview with local employers from around the York area. Each employer had a set of generic questions that may be asked on a real-life interview, such as: What are your strengths? What are you good at? What do you think are your areas of...
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Askham Bryan College is holding an Open Event on 11 March at their main college campus in York. More details and booking information can be found here.  If you have any questions or requests please email:
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