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Jane Taylor


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Biometric Consent – Students in Years 9, 10 and 11 Children in Years 9, 10 and 11 should have been given a letter and form this week to ask for parental consent to collect biometric data (a unique code based on specific measurements taken from a thumb or fingerprint) which will allow them to use...
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Dear Parent/Carer Millthorpe School has installed an electronic entry system that uses centrally controlled magnetic locks on external doors to keep the school as safe and secure as possible. This will allow us to keep external doors locked during lessons to reduce the risk of unauthorised persons entering the building. Whilst the likelihood of dangerous...
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COVID-19 Vaccinations for 12 to 15 year olds City of York Council’s Public Health team is reminding parents, carers and young people that children can get their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination from the day they turn 12 years old. Most children can get a second dose from 12 weeks after they have had...
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Happy New Year We hope you had a lovely break over the Christmas holidays and managed to stay safe and well. As you will have no doubt heard in the news, regulations relating to the pandemic have changed again over the last week. Below is a summary of where we are currently regarding lateral flow testing, vaccinations...
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Season’s Greetings The team at Millthorpe would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We hope you have a lovely break with family and friends and once again, we’d like to thank you for your ongoing support. We look forward to seeing everyone in the new year; Spring...
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Lateral Flow Testing in January The DfE has advised that asymptomatic twice weekly at-home testing, using Lateral Flow Devices (LFDs), should continue in the new year, to help reduce transmission of COVID-19 and identify cases early. We strongly encourage students to continue regular LFD testing and to report their results please. Head of Year 11 Mrs Parr, our...
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Christmas dinner A reminder that Christmas dinner (traditional turkey or a vegetarian option) will be served on Wednesday 8 December this year. Tickets, priced at £2.40, are still available via ParentPay. Children who are eligible for free school meals will not have to pay but will still need a ticket so that we know whether they would like...
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Year 11 taster days  A reminder that the deadline for booking a January Taster Day at York College is 28 November. If your child is in Year 11 and is thinking of moving to York College in September, please make sure they have booked a Taster Day before Sunday. The documentation that students need to book places can be...
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Dear Parent/Carer Students in Years 9-11 will be given the opportunity to access advice about different Higher Education pathways, through the Uni Connect programme. This is a national programme funded by the Office for Students (OfS), which aims to promote the benefits of university and other forms of higher education, particularly among under-represented groups. All students in...
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Year 11 Pre-Public Exams (PPEs) Over the next two weeks, Year 11 students will be sitting PPEs (mock exams) in most subjects. Students have been given individual timetables for all their exams. Because of the timing of exams, Year 11 students will take their lunch in the earlier slot (12.20-1.00pm) during this period. Year 11 taster...
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