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KS4 options

Key Stage 4 Options

At Millthorpe we have the highest expectations of our young people and want them to gain high value qualifications for further education or employment. It is also important that students are given the opportunity to develop the personal and social skills necessary for success in the 21st century. We believe our Key Stage 4 curriculum supports both of these aspirations.

Options Evening

Each January, we hold an Options Evening for Year 9 students and their parents/carers. The evening consists of a short presentation from Acting Headteacher, Mrs Rothenburg and Deputy Headteacher, Mrs Armitage. This covers the options process including key dates in addition to an opportunity to visit and speak to the subject teachers for all the available subject options.

This year’s event was held on 25 January 2024 – the presentation from the evening can be seen here.

Options brochure

You can see the Options Brochure here.

Any questions?

If you have any questions regarding the Options process please feel free to email Mrs V Armitage, Deputy Headteacher, E:

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