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July 2023


Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh I can’t quite believe that the end of term and the end of the school year are here! It has been an absolute pleasure to see our wonderful students going from strength to strength as they have progressed through the year. To the Year 11 students who have left us, we...
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The benefits of reading are endless. It improves creativity, imagination, vocabulary, the ability to learn, concentration and attention span and writing skills. It can also reduce stress, boost empathy, develops understanding of the wider world, and some studies even report it can help us to live longer! We will be launching a whole school reading...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh This week has absolutely flown by, there has been so much happening! The weather held for us earlier this week allowing us all to enjoy our annual sports day. Everyone who took part did themselves proud, but it wouldn’t be sports day without a bit of healthy competition! The forms who...
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KS3 trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park – 19 July 2023 We are looking forward to a fabulous day out at YWP. Students need to meet at 8.30 in the canopy by the dining room. Read the full letter here.
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh This week we have said goodbye to our Year 11 students in style with our Leavers’ Assembly on Monday and Prom last night. Both events involved lots of fun and laughter, and a fair few tears too! Our Year 11s will all be missed, but we’ll look forward to catching...
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Last night, we held the Year 11 Prom at York Racecourse and we had the most amazing evening! The students conducted themselves impeccably and had a fantastic night. The staff did too! (If you look closely at the photos, you might spot a few teachers on the dance floor!) Thank you to York Racecourse for...
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Mrs Sladen is all set to conduct auditions for this year’s musical production, which will take place on 18, 19 and 20 December. Auditions will be held on Tuesday 11 July after school in the Drama Hall for any students, in any year group, who would like to be considered for a role, big or small. Auditionees need to prepare a song from a...
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A teacher from York is preparing to take on the Yorkshire Three Peaks later this month, to raise money for two charities which have helped her mum after she suffered a brain injury. Anna Lancaster, a Science teacher at Millthorpe School in York, is taking to the Yorkshire hills with a large group of friends...
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