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Jane Taylor


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Welcome back! Our first week back at school has certainly been busy! It has been lovely to welcome our new Year 7 cohort who seem to be quickly settling into Millthorpe life, as well as welcoming back some more familiar faces in other year groups. We’ve been really impressed with the positive attitude the students have shown...
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Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful, restful summer. We’re really excited to be starting a new school year, welcoming our new Year 7s for the first time and welcoming back our existing students. Last year’s Year 11s did themselves proud with a fantastic set of GCSE results forged from challenging circumstances and...
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Image of students receiving their GCSE results 2022
Pupils and staff at Millthorpe School are celebrating an excellent set of GCSE results this year. Particularly outstanding results of at least nine grade 7/8/9s (equivalent to A/A* and above) were achieved by thirteen students including: Billy Ainsworth, Emily Burns, Sarah Craigen, Daisy Dunn, George Healy, Felix Hitchen, Frances Hogg, Francesca Mackay, Jack Newton, Floella...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh Well, here it is, the end of term and the end of the school year! It has been an absolute pleasure to see our wonderful students going from strength to strength as they have progressed through the year. To those who have left us, we wish you all the best and...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh It’s been another great week at school, with yet more fantastic events and achievements. We enjoyed a wonderful Summer Concert, celebrated student success at our annual Awards Evening, witnessed some fabulous wins at the York District Athletics Championship and raised a notable sum of money for Diabetes UK through our...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh School seemed a little quiet without our Year 11 students earlier this week, but it was fantastic to see them celebrating in style at the prom last Friday. We miss them, but wish them all well for the summer and for their next steps in September. School didn’t stay quiet for long...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh It’s been a week of mixed emotions for us this week – we waved goodbye to our Year 11 students at our traditional Leavers’ Assembly and can’t wait to celebrate with them at the School Prom this evening. But, as one group of students moves on to pastures new, another cohort is...
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Year 7 and 8 trip to Flamingo Land A polite reminder that the deadline for payments and consent for your child to attend the Flamingo Land trip is today. We are unable to offer an extension (unless this has already been agreed) because we need to make the payment on Monday in order to secure the...
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Well done Year 11! As the exam season draws to a close, we would like to say a huge ‘WELL DONE’ to our Year 11s on their fantastic attitude and effort in their GCSE exams and revision sessions. Following the disruption of the last two years, it’s inspiring to see how well they are approaching this challenge....
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Footwear clarification Thank you to the overwhelming majority of parents/carers and students who have ensured that their footwear choice complies with the school’s uniform policy. There has not been a change to the policy around footwear, but we are aware that a few parents/carers and students are a little unsure on what is and is not acceptable....
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