Report an absence: 01904 686400

Weekly email


Weekly email

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Reporting student absence We would like to remind all parents/carers that they must notify us if their child is going to be absent, by calling the school office on T: 01904 686400. Please DO NOT email the school office or contact the year teams regarding student absence. It is vital that we receive a phone call for safeguarding purposes....
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Access to school in the morning In order to keep students as safe as possible, we need to make sure that they are only coming onto the school site once there are staff available to supervise them. This supervision begins at 8.30am each morning until form time begins at 8.45am. We would therefore ask you...
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Changes to testing and isolation arrangements Following the government announcement this week, the arrangements around testing and isolation have changed with effect from Monday 21 February, as follows: Although it is no longer a legal requirement, children are still advised to self-isolate for at least 5 days if they test positive for Covid-19; and then continue to follow...
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Dates for the diary School reopens after half-term on Monday 28 February, with a B week. School will be closed to students on Friday 4 March for a teacher training day. ParentPay Could we remind parents to keep their children’s ParentPay account in credit please. If you have any issues with ParentPay, please contact Mel Brown. Valuables and personal items in PE We would...
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Improvement works for September Many of you will be aware that a range of improvement works are due to take place in preparation for September 2022. This is in response to a temporary increase of students in the Millthorpe catchment over the next three years. The works include extensive refurbishment and expansion of the dining...
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Message to students about our expectations Today, all students watched a presentation by Miss Greenhalgh reminding them of the school motto of Ready, Respectful, Responsible and what that means in terms of our expectations of them in certain key areas. Year 11 Exams All students were reminded of the importance of these exams and the need to...
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Biometric Consent – Students in Years 9, 10 and 11 A reminder that the parental consent forms allowing us to collect biometric data for pupils in Years 9, 10 and 11, should be returned to school by Monday 31 January please. A copy of the letter and form can be found here. Online Maths platform After a successful launch...
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Biometric Consent – Students in Years 9, 10 and 11 Children in Years 9, 10 and 11 should have been given a letter and form this week to ask for parental consent to collect biometric data (a unique code based on specific measurements taken from a thumb or fingerprint) which will allow them to use...
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COVID-19 Vaccinations for 12 to 15 year olds City of York Council’s Public Health team is reminding parents, carers and young people that children can get their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination from the day they turn 12 years old. Most children can get a second dose from 12 weeks after they have had...
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Happy New Year We hope you had a lovely break over the Christmas holidays and managed to stay safe and well. As you will have no doubt heard in the news, regulations relating to the pandemic have changed again over the last week. Below is a summary of where we are currently regarding lateral flow testing, vaccinations...
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