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Weekly email


Weekly email

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Year 7 and 8 trip to Flamingo Land A polite reminder that the deadline for payments and consent for your child to attend the Flamingo Land trip is today. We are unable to offer an extension (unless this has already been agreed) because we need to make the payment on Monday in order to secure the...
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Well done Year 11! As the exam season draws to a close, we would like to say a huge ‘WELL DONE’ to our Year 11s on their fantastic attitude and effort in their GCSE exams and revision sessions. Following the disruption of the last two years, it’s inspiring to see how well they are approaching this challenge....
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Footwear clarification Thank you to the overwhelming majority of parents/carers and students who have ensured that their footwear choice complies with the school’s uniform policy. There has not been a change to the policy around footwear, but we are aware that a few parents/carers and students are a little unsure on what is and is not acceptable....
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School uniform This message applies to students in Years 7-10. School uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence, and a feeling of belonging within the student community. These factors contribute to students’ wellbeing, removing the additional pressures of deciding what to wear and the added stress of meeting the expectations of their peers. With...
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Improvement works The building project to deliver improvements to the dining hall, toilets and other areas across school begins on site on Monday. Whilst the bulk of the work will take place over the summer, we need to start a certain amount of the work now in order to get everything completed ready for September. Inevitably...
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Changing rooms From Monday 16 May examinations will be held in the gym, so all students will need to change in the Sports Hall changing rooms for PE/Games lessons and sports clubs until further notice. Year 9 and 10 Iceland trip A reminder that if you would like your son/daughter to take part in the Iceland trip, please log...
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Early closure on B week Wednesday As next week is a ‘B’ week, a reminder that school will finish at 2.25pm on Wednesday to allow for staff CPD. Please note the new finish time as our school day timings have now changed.  Google Classroom update At the height of the pandemic, the Government made it mandatory that schools...
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Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely Easter break. This week has been incredibly busy, but it has been a great start to another new term and we are very proud of our students’ behaviour and readiness to learn. Enjoy the long weekend; we look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Tuesday 3 May...
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Easter break We would like to wish you all a very happy and restful Easter break. Summer term will start on Monday 25 April with a B Week. School Day A reminder that after Easter, we will be returning to single break and lunch times. To ensure there is time for all students to use the canteen, both breaks will be...
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School Day After Easter, we will be returning to single break and lunch times. As you will recall, the split breaks were introduced as part of the COVID-19 response to help keep year groups separate. Whilst COVID is still very much with us, this separation is no longer consistent with other measures in place across schools and...
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