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Jane Taylor


Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh I hope you all had a lovely half-term break. It’s been great to see everyone back at school this week. Our students have been hard at work, particularly our Year 11s who are preparing for their Pre-Public Exams (PPEs) which take place from 14-25 November. Next week we’re looking forward to...
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A message from Ms Greenhalgh Well, here we are, at the end of our first half term of the year! It has certainly flown by. I am very proud of everything that has been achieved over the last seven weeks. You can read about some of the highlights in our e-newsletter, Millthorpe Messenger, which will be...
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This year we are introducing a careers newsletter to keep our pupils and their families/carers up-to-date with all the latest information about careers and post-16 opportunities. All students at Millthorpe receive targeted careers education within PSHE lessons throughout the academic year. In addition, we provide students with a range of opportunities to access up-to-date careers...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh With just two weeks to go of this first half-term of the school year, it really feels like we are hurtling towards the October half-term break at a rate of knots! We’ve had another great week and you can see by the long list of students who have received a...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh It’s feeling incredibly autumnal as we head into the weekend and indeed into October – fingers crossed it will warm up just a little! September has been a fantastic month at school; I’ve really enjoyed getting to know our new students and am very proud of how they have all settled in. I also...
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image of theatre production adverts
Some of our students are taking to the boards this December, performing in two theatre productions: The Sound of Music and Nativity the Musical. Violet-Evie, Freddie and Freya in Year 8 and Poppy in Year 10 amongst others, would love you to go along to see them in action! Further information and online booking can...
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Millthorpe School shield
A message from Ms Greenhalgh It definitely feels like the term is in full swing now with everyone settled into their new routines and lots of enthusiastic learning and teaching taking place. The children have continued to be friendly, positive and ready to learn this week and lunchtimes have been smooth and calm. We are always keen to celebrate...
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Image of maths equipment
This week’s Millthorpe Maths newsletter contains a little peek at what Year 8 have been up to. There are also a few retrieval questions, suitable for all year groups, students may like to try. In addition, we are delighted to offer all students the chance to show us their maths puzzling skills in the ‘Fun...
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Image of attendance leaflet front cover
Schools from across York have worked closely together with the City of York Council to develop a city-wide attendance strategy. You can download their Going to School: don’t let your child miss out! flyer here or see below.
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Image of Millthorpe students
Our Year 7s have been absolutely awesome over the past couple of weeks – we’re so glad to have them on board! They have settled in quickly and made a really super start to their time at Millthorpe. Their enthusiasm has been infectious, not just in lessons but also at break times and lunchtimes when...
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